Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 225 : On A Roll

Sadie -

You are getting increasingly mobile. This is fun - it means you are about to embark on the big, grown-up adventures of crawling and eventually walking - but it is also aggrevating for you sometimes, I think.

You like rolling and stretching so much, that it is starting to make sleeping harder for you. It used to be that I would put you in the crib and when I would come wake you up, you'd be in the same position. Now that is not the case. Oftentimes you just roll over. But one night recently I checked on you before I went to bed and found that you had managed to roll yourself into the completely opposite position from which you were put down in. Your feet ended up where your head was and vice versa.

I still can't figure out how you managed to do that - especailly without waking yourself up!

- Dad

Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 224 : The Hairy Future

Sadie -

There is a security guard who sits in the lobby of the building downtown that I work in. Over the months I have been employed there, I have gotten to know Debbie and often say "Hi!" and exchange small talk with her.

Today when I arrived at work, she greeted me and asked about you.

"How's that baby doing these days?"

I told her you are happy, healthy, have 8 teeth(!) and are bald!

"I bet soon she'll have hair down her back," was Debbie's response. "That is how it is with bald babies. When they do grow hair, they grow a lot."

Debbie may be right. Your mom and I were both very bald babies and both of us have a lot of hair now.

Here is to your bright - and hairy - future!

- Dad

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day 223 : Cuz

Sadie -

With the entry of your cousin Joshua into the world this week, your Aunt Amy and Uncle Steve have found their hands full - now they have double the offspring!

We told them that we would love to hang out with Cousin Jasmine tonight so that they could spend some time with just Joshua - so after work, I picked up Jazz and met you and your mom at Steak & Shake.

We had a very fun dinner, the four of us. Jaz asked some startling questions to various patrons of the restaurant in her afraid-of-nothing way, but was perfectly behaved besides.

After dinner, we returned home and Jaz helped give you a bath. She told me that she has a babydoll at home that she calls Sadie. If you can't tell, she REALLY likes you!

- Dad

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 222 : Babies and Tickles

Sades –

Last night you got to meet your new cousin Joshua. It was really neat to watch.

You, your mom and I went to the hospital where you were born to see your Aunt Amy, Uncle Steve, Cousin Jasmine, and (of course!) Cousin Joshua. Mom got to hold Joshua first so I put you on the other side of her lap. You are usually reserved when it comes to new things – you like to take your time and examine things carefully with your eyes. But you rushed right into the discovery process with your cousin. I had to stand next to you and make sure that you controlled your grasp. You instantly wanted to touch and feel this strange new human who is so much smaller than you!

Today you have been in a great mood! While you were eating this evening, mom was in the kitchen making dinner. She started making faces at you and pretending that she was going to come squeeze you. You thought this was hilarious! You laughed and squealed in anticipation every time she came near!

It is so much fun having you around!

- Dad

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 221 : Joshua Steven Porter

Sadie –

You are no longer the youngest cousin on my side of the family. Your Cousin Joshua was born this morning. I think you and your mom and I might have to go see him after work and school today. I wonder what you will think of such a little baby. Even though you are a mere 7 months older than him, you are already quite a bit bigger physically. I am sure he will catch up quick, though. You and Josh will be in the same year in school and I hope you will always be good friends.

- Dad

Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 220 : Memorial Day #1

Sades –

You sure have seemed tired today. I think this long weekend has worn you out. It has worn me out, too! I have been tempted to snooze most of the day! In fact, when you went to sleep for your afternoon nap today, your mom and I did the same thing! We all slept for over an hour!

I did have fun going CD shopping with you and Uncle Joel for awhile this afternoon. Thanks for being such a fun companion!

- Dad

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 219 : Loose Change

Sadie –

I won’t go into much detail, but I will say that today has been a little rough for you. You spent the afternoon with Dee Dee & Pops and showed your Pops how much fun you were having be relieving yourself on his leg. Tonight I let you play in a diaper for the half-hour before your bath, and five minutes in found myself scrubbing your bouncy chair with cleaning solution and paper towels due to the fact that you shifted yourself out of your diaper and proceeded to do “diaper stuff” any way.

Don’t be embarrassed. After you went to bed, your mom and I had quite a laugh about everything! We love you so much.

- Dad

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 218 : WaterPark #1

Sades –

Today is a day that your mom has been anticipating for some time! Today we drove to an amusement park an hour and a half away that has a huge waterpark inside called “Splashin’ Safari.” Your mom LOVES waterparks and has been looking forward to introducing you to one.

We met your “Uncle” Lafe and “Aunt” Jen at the waterpark and spent the day together. After we got done, “Uncle” Lafe and “Aunt” Jen (who live several hours away) came back to Louisville to spend the night with us!

You didn’t get to play in the water much today (because the water was still very COLD!), but you still seemed to enjoy hanging out with me somewhere new.

You know I enjoyed hanging out with you!!!

- Dad

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 217 : CheckUp

Sadie –

Today is the start of a long weekend. Mom and I both got off work early today so we had a little extra time to be together. Mom took you to a check-up at the doctor’s office. It turns out that you have a bit of an ear infection again – this time in your right ear. Mom and I thought this might be the case because we have caught you pulling on your right ear a lot recently.

We got you a new kind of medicine that should help wipe this out.
We are excited about spending all weekend long with you!

- Dad

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 216 : Monkey Business

Sades –

I have started calling you “monkey” because of how you cling to me when I hold you. I told your mom that I am really going to miss this stage when you get too big to climb on me. I said that then we might have to get you a brother or a sister. I was only kidding, but I almost gave mom a heart attack! We really enjoy focusing on just you right now!

- Dad

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 215 : In A Pickle

Sadie –

Tonight at dinner mom thought you might like to try sucking on a pickle. She handed it to you and as soon as it hit your mouth you were very interested. The problem is – YOU HAVE LOTS OF TEETH! You quickly bit off a big hunk of the pickle and caused your mom and I to A) have heart attacks, and B) make a scene as we turned you upside down and stuck our fingers in your mouth trying to retrieve the piece of pickle.

The pickle dropped out of your mouth with no problem. Mom decided then to just give you little shavings of the pickle instead. You ate lots of these shavings with no incident.
I am glad you like pickles!

- Dad

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 214 : No Boys Allowed!

Sadie –

You and I were in Wal-Mart tonight when a woman and her small son passed by us. The boy was probably only 2 or 3 himself, but he was fascinated when he saw you.
“Baby!” he alerted his mother.
“Yes, that is a baby,” the mother confirmed.
“Can I go hug the baby?” the child asked in excitement.
Luckily, the mother told him “No!”
No strange boys are allowed to hug you EVER (well, at least until you are 23! - and then they better not be very strange...)

- Dad

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 213 : Drinking Water

Sadie –

You are so adventurous! Your mom was drinking a big glass of water tonight and offered you some. It was cold and hurt your lips, but it also fascinated you. You kept requesting more and more chances to sip from her glass. It was really fun to watch you learn something new like this.

- Dad

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day 212 : Making Friends

Sadie –

You are starting to be a little less shy in public – at least with some people.

Yesterday at the wedding, you made friends with another guy who was in the ceremony named John. You really liked his curly hair and red beard and wanted to touch and play with him. This drove his wife crazy, because she has what us adults call “baby fever.” I’ll explain what that is some other time.

Today we were checking out at the grocery store and I was playing with you. I swung you onto my shoulder and you caught the attention of a woman who was standing behind us. Your face lit up and you smiled big and started making noise and “talking” with this total stranger. She had lots of nice things to say to you. You are good at making friends!

- Dad

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 211 : Reunited!

Sades -

Your mom sent me pictures on my phone of you playing this morning that were really cute – but nothing compares to seeing you up close and personal! As soon as the wedding ceremony ended this afternoon, I found you with your mom. You got SO excited to see me that you almost jumped out of your mom’s arms and smothered me with your big open-mouthed kisses!

I carried you around at the wedding reception and introduced you to old and new friends. I think everyone could tell how proud of you I am!

- Dad

Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 210 : Missing You

Sadie –

Today I got to wake you up and feed you, but once you went to school I had to head out of town for the weekend. Your “Uncle” Ben and “Aunt” Danielle are getting married tomorrow and asked me to be a big part of their wedding, so I had lots of wedding duties to take care of out of town. (“Uncle” Ben was a big part our wedding when your mom and I got married.)

I realized yesterday that this is the first time you and I have been apart overnight since you came home from the hospital. Your mom has been away on business a few times, but you and I have never been apart. I am having a little trouble being away, but you are in VERY capable hands.

I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. You and your mom and Dee Dee and Pops are all driving up to attend this wedding. We’ll hang out afterwards, I promise!

- Dad

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 209 : Ms. Melissa

Sadie –

Mom had to head to work early today so you and I got some extra time to hang out. I love taking you to school, but I hate leaving you there. You don’t seem to mind it too much, though. You REALLY seem to like your teacher, Ms. Melissa. You kick and lean for her when we walk in the door. And she likes you, too! She has told your mom that she always looks forward to getting some “Sadie time” every day!

A lot of people like you an awful lot!

- Dad

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 208 : View From the Top

Sadie –

So we have a new game. I swing you up off of the floor or from your chair and pop you into a sitting position on my shoulders. You love this – not only do you get a new view of the world from a much elevated position, I’ll usually walk you by a mirror so you can see what it looks like to have a baby on my head. You laugh pretty hard at this!

I love this game but I don’t know how long it will last. First – you will be too big to do this soon. And secondly – you might pull out all my hair even before you outgrow the game! When on my shoulders you like to use my hair like the reigns of a horse!!

- Dad

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 207 : Sneeze Umbrella

Sadie –

All of the cold and congestion in your chest is starting to break up, which now means you are coughing almost non-stop and your nose is running. This makes it very uncomfortable for you to eat. Several times when I gave you a bite at breakfast this morning, you would accidentally sneeze it back at me. I actually had to change pants before work because you sneezed so much food on me! It is okay, though. I just want you to get feeling 100% again – even if it means I have to stand in a shower of baby food for a few days!

- Dad

Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 206 : Dr. Fun

Sadie –

You have had a cold for almost a week now and it doesn’t seem to be getting better. It woke you up extra-early this morning and you sounded like you were almost having trouble breathing. Mom and I were worried, so I picked you up from school after lunch and took you to see the doctor. Turns out, you have another ear infection in your left ear. The doctor gave you some “get-wells” (medicine:) and you should be feeling better very soon.

We had fun at the doctor’s office together. In the exam room there was a stool and an activity table. You are getting so good at sitting up by yourself that I was able to put you in the chair and the table and take a picture while you played. We sent it to mom and she said it made her day!

- Dad

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 205 : Mom Rocks!

Sadie –

Today was a special celebration day called “Mother’s Day.” Every year we take some time out to make sure moms and grandmas know how special they are.

To celebrate your mommy, we got her some books and a videogame. I let you hand her all of the books. She seemed impressed that you knew her literary tastes so well!

Tonight we took mom out to eat Italian food at a fancy place called Amerigo. She had fun and so did you – you were transfixed by the large restaurant menu at our table.

- Dad

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day 204 : #2

Sadie –

I’ve always been told that most babies take a #2 bathroom break in the bathtub fairly regularly. I was thinking yesterday how this has not been the case with you. In all of our almost 7 months of bath times, I’ve never had to worry about you floating your dinner in the water!

You must have read my thoughts…

Tonight you took care of accomplishing this milestone. I love you lots, but let’s say this was not my favorite bath time on record!

- Dad

Friday, May 9, 2008

Day 203 : LL Cool (uncle) J

Sadie –

Certain people like you so much, they’ll take time out of their days just to be in the same apartment as you! Your Uncle Joel came over and stayed with you for a few hours this evening after you had already gone to bed, just so your mom and I could go on a bowling date.

Your Uncle Joel is pretty cool. (But you already knew that, right?!)

- Dad

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day 202 : Get Well, Great Grandma!

Sadie –

Your Great Grandma Gee had an important surgery today, so your mom made her some soup and the three of us went over to help her feel better tonight. Great Grandma was pretty groggy from her long day and mostly lay on the couch, but you spent some time with her telling her to get better soon!

Mom mashed up some of the potatoes and vegetables in the soup we were having and let you try them. You really liked this new food experience!

- Dad

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 201 : Where My Sadie Rose Goes...

Sades -

I heard an old song on the radio the other day that made me think of you, so I rewrote some of the lyrics and have been singing you the chorus quite frequently this week. My version about you goes like this:

Love Grows (Where My Sadie Rose Goes)
Based on Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) by Edison Lighthouse

She's my little honey
Her clothes are mostly onesies
Her head is primarily hair free

Oh, but Love grows where my Sadie Rose goes
And nobody knows like me

She talks kinda screechy
And people say she looks like me
And her life's one of my favorite things

Oh, but Love grows where my Sadie Rose goes
And nobody knows like me (and your mom!)

- Dad

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 200 : Brrrr...

Sades –

Happy 200th Day on Earth! I can't believe you are already so old!

I must apologize. You have caught my cold. You’ve had the runny nose for a week or so, but this morning you woke up with a thick, yucky cough. I have a feeling that it sounds worse than it actually is, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I hate hearing you sound so uncomfortable. You’ve been in good spirits tonight, but unusually quiet which makes me think your throat probably hurts a little.

I HATE cold and congestion when I have to deal with it. It makes me grumpy as an adult! I can’t imagine having to deal with it at your age. Even since you’ve been asleep, I’ve heard you roll over and cough several times! I feel bad for you. I’ll give you extra kisses tomorrow!

- Dad

Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 199 : Catching the Worm

Sadie –

You woke up early this morning! I started hearing you make quiet noises when I got out of the shower at 6:30. (You usually don’t get up until 7!) I didn’t get you up immediately. You just stayed in your crib and cooed and played with your feet for awhile. I finally got anxious around 6:50. I just can’t wait to see you in the morning (especially when I can hear that you are awake)!

I love you so much!

- Dad

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day 198 : Can You Tell Me How to Get...

Sades –

We went over to Grandma’s tonight for pizza. I found a Big Bird peek-a-boo music box in the toy chest your Grandma keeps for you and your cousin Jaz and set it in front of you while you played in your high chair. You were mesmerized. Mom said her hands started to hurt because she wound it up so many times!

We might have to get you one of those!

- Dad

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day 197 : Daily Bread

Sadie –

The weather turned from yucky to gorgeous this afternoon, so you and your mom and I had dinner out on our deck tonight. Mom let you have some of the bread from her sandwich and you seemed confused by the texture. You would initially make a face like you were going to spit it out and then you would reconsider and smile. It was really funny to watch.

I told mom that it must be weird to have only had cold mushy stuff and then suddenly be given something dry and flaky like bread. You just wait – there are much weirder foods to try in the future!!

- Dad

Friday, May 2, 2008

Day 196 : Feet Asleep

Sadie –

Mom went in to wake you up from your pre-dinner nap today and then quietly rushed out of your room to find me and our camera. You know how I’ve said you really have liked to play with your feet recently? You even do it in your sleep and we have the pictures to prove it! This afternoon you were fast asleep with your right foot being held in the air by your right hand. I don’t know how this could have been comfortable…but it was HILARIOUS!

- Dad

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day 195 : Extra Love

Sadie –

I got out of work early today, so in turn, I was able to pick you up before the usual time. I’ve been feeling pretty yucky all day, though, so I don’t think I was that much fun to be around. You seemed to understand. When we got home you played in your bouncy chair for awhile and then snuggled with me on the couch for awhile. It was like you knew I needed a little extra love. Thanks!

I love every extra second I get to spend with you!

- Dad