Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 81 : Honor Your Father...

Sadie -

I watched a movie this week that, in a particular segment, lampooned how kids treat their parents after their first year of college.

This scene was supposed to be funny - and it was in some ways. But, as is often said, the truth can hurt. I know that as a late teen I often thought my ideas were better than those handed down to me by anyone - especially my parents. I have since learned that, frankly, I was a bit of an idiot when I was 18. But just because I know this now, doesn't make it any easier to accept that one day you might have to learn this, too, by arguing and disagreeing with the ways that I try to teach you.

I realize you aren't even three months old yet, and it might be kind of silly to already worry about this. But when I am feeding you, holding your tiny body close to mine, I can't help but cringe with the thought that I won't always be able to help you in such a simple but intense way. There will come a day (probably all too soon) on which you will have to learn some lessons yourself.

I just hope I can equip you to make the right decision when that happens.

I love you more than you can imagine.

- Dad

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