Friday, March 21, 2008

Day 154 : Dr. Fun

Sades -

This morning we had a follow-up appointment to see the doctor so she could check and make sure your ears are getting better after the infection you had last week. This meant that you and I got to sleep in a little bit later than normal and that I got to take you to pre-school instead of your mom.

When I dropped you off at pre-school, I heard one of your teachers turn to the other one and say, "That baby looks like her dad. THAT's who she looks like!" I smiled. I hope you don't get tired or ashamed of resembling me. True - life might be easier if you took after your mother! But I am proud that no one will argue when I say that you are my girl!

I love every extra second I get to spend with you - even if it is just at the doctor's office!

- Dad

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