Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 278 : BoingaBoinga

Sadie -

As you get more and more aware of how to shift your wheight on your feet, the more noise you can make in your bouncy chair (which I am afraid you are quickly going to outgrow...). You have even started to make it sway back and forth when you get tired of moving up and down.

You and your mom have a game. When you are sitting still in the chair, she'll look at you and say, "BOINGA-BOINGA-BOINGA!" You then promptly begin jumping up and down to make the chair make a similar sound. Mom will let you do this for a few seconds and then say "STOP!" You immediately halt and wait for mom to once again say "BOINGA!"

I try this game with you, too, but you seem to think of it as something just for you and mom. (Or you just don't like listening to me when I say "stop"?!?!)

- Dad

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