Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 206 : Dr. Fun

Sadie –

You have had a cold for almost a week now and it doesn’t seem to be getting better. It woke you up extra-early this morning and you sounded like you were almost having trouble breathing. Mom and I were worried, so I picked you up from school after lunch and took you to see the doctor. Turns out, you have another ear infection in your left ear. The doctor gave you some “get-wells” (medicine:) and you should be feeling better very soon.

We had fun at the doctor’s office together. In the exam room there was a stool and an activity table. You are getting so good at sitting up by yourself that I was able to put you in the chair and the table and take a picture while you played. We sent it to mom and she said it made her day!

- Dad

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