Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 287 : Future You

Saders -

(NOTE: I've started calling you "Sader Tater" (which is really stupid) partly because I used to carry you over my shoulder and call you my "sack of taters." I also call you this just because it rhymes... I should never write rap songs.)

I've mentioned to your mom recently that I often wonder what you will be like when you get older - more specifically, what kind of stuff will you like? Will you like movies and music or will you like sports and hiking? Will you enjoy reading lots of books? Will you love sleepovers with friends or will you prefer sticking at home with your mom and me?

I think about how my mom and dad must have wondered all of this stuff about me when I was little. I asked them recently what it was like to have their babies grow up and have babies. Your DeeDee called it "surreal." I think being a parent in general has been kind of surreal...

- Dad

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