Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 265 : Proof is in the Pudding

Sadie -

So today at pre-school it was "texture" day. Your teachers were showing your class how different substances feel different to the touch.

I am not sure what all the textures you felt were, but one in particular made you particularly happy. Your friend at school Miss Lizzy thought it was so funny she sent a picture of it to your mom.

Let me just describe the picture:

You are seated in a high chair, shirtless and with your hands in the air. The rest of the picture is pretty much just made up of smeared sugar-free pudding - EVERYWHERE! You had it smeared on your face and arms, all over the tray of the high chair...

Let's just say I am glad I didn't have to clean it up, but everytime I look at the picture I have to fight off a hysterical fit of laughter. You look extremely captivated by the whole event.

- Dad

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