Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 269 : Rest(less)

Sadie -

You woke up with such a jolt last night that it caused your mom and I to wake up out of deep sleep instantly and sit straight up in bed.

The clock said "11:00 PM."

We tried to let you calm down on your own, but you seemed very shaken. When I finally picked you up out of the crib the crying stopped but I could feel your short breath. This congestion and ear ache must have been really getting to you.

Eventually I gave you some milk and some medicine, but you seemed most in need of some quality time. I made us a mat on the floor in the middle of your room and laid you on my chest and wrapped us up in blankets. You fell asleep quickly and so did I.

Mom woke me up after a half hour and I put you back in your crib with no trouble and we heard little from you the rest of the night.

- Dad

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