Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 285 : You Scream, Ice Cream

Sades -

It was a moment of weakness for me. You, your mom and I and your DeeDee and Pops were all at the mall tonight and stopped by Dairy Queen for treats. We all got vanilla ice cream cones and I was holding mine when you got very interested. We all had the cones. It wasn't like I could get you away from them. So I just let you lean in and take a lick.

OH MY GOODNESS! You loved it! You loved it so much that you couldn't think about much else. If you were around any of us, you were lunging at our particular cone.

Your mom and I had always said you'd have nothing "sweet" until your first birthday party, so I was pretty dissapointed in myself for letting this happen 3 months early...

But your mom didn't mind and your DeeDee and Pops were glad they got to witness your first bite of ice cream. They said that when I your Aunt Amy was little, your Great Grandma Eich gave her ice cream when they weren't around and they'd always wished they had gotten to be a part of that moment.

Hope this helped!...

Love ya so much!

- Dad

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