Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 174 : Ice, Ice, Baby

Sadie -

You, your mom and I were at a restaurant this evening when I noticed you were distracted by the big, red plastic water glasses your mom and I were using. I pointed this out to your mom and she suggested that I let you try to sip some water since you were so infatuated with the glass.

You were quite excited when I put the glass in your grasp. You let it lean against your lips and promptly began to chew on the plastic. The problem? You weren't ready for the cold water! when it hit your mouth, your face turned into the funniest expression of shock that I've ever seen you scrunch it into. You didn't get upset, though, and you welcomed the cup back to your lips several more times - even though each time ended with your face in disarray!

When we were leaving the restaurant, a lady at a table near us asked about you. She complimented your cuteness and commented on how well you'd been behaving. We told her that your contentedness was pretty standard.

She said, "If all babies acted like her, I'd have one already!"

I think that was a compliment!?!

- Dad

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