Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 190 : DayTripper II

Sadie –

Today you, your mom, and I took another road trip. You know how I always tell you about the many people you haven’t met yet who love you so much? One of those families that care about you is the Tolberts. They are old friends of mom and dad who used to live in Arkansas, but now live in the middle of Illinois. They are on there way back home from a trip today and had to pass through a town not too far away from where we live. So we packed up, drove a few hours, and had lunch with these old (to us)/new (to you) friends.

You always seem interested by new people. You spent a lot of time staring wide-eyed at the Tolberts. Jake (the dad Tolbert) even challenged you to a staring contest! (You won!)

You warmed up to your new friends pretty quickly. By the end of lunch you were snuggling on Jake, walking around the restaurant and parking lot with Jen (the mom Tolbert), and letting Jonah (the kid Tolbert) grab your leg and say silly things like “tickle, tickle!”

Not only did you get to meet these cool new people – you also got to see your “Uncle” Lafe and “Aunt” Jen from Owensboro again. As always, you had quite a few smiles for “Aunt” Jen!

You are a good traveler – and you are quite good at impressing new people!

- Dad

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