Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 188 : Gettin' "Get Well" Goods

Sades –

Remember how yucky you felt on Sunday and Monday? Now momma feels like that! She called me at work this afternoon to ask me to pick you up from school because she was feeling so bad.

I happily obliged your mom’s request and on the way home from school decided that you and I need to go get some “get well” supplies for your mom. Usually you eat right after school, but I knew that you would be able to wait a few minutes if it meant helping Mom feel better.

I pushed you in your big girl stroller around Kroger as we collected medicine and food and PowerAde. You didn’t make an unhappy sound. We hurried and returned home with bags of groceries, and I quickly fed you!

Thanks for being flexible and understanding. I appreciate it! (And I know Mom does, too.)

- Dad

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