Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 355 : Laugh Track

Sadie -

Mom's garraunteed ways to make you laugh:

1) Mom grabs your feet or your sock, puts it to her nose and pretends that it smells bad. She lets out a huge, over-dramatic "SHOO-WEE!"; you crack up in a hysterical fit of giggles.

2) You are on the changing table waiting for a fresh diaper and PJs. Mom appears wearing your night-night blanket over her head. She comes towards you and drapes it over you. You crack up in a hysterical fit of giggles.

3) You are in your car seat, ready to go to school. Mom appears with your car blanket and fans it onto your lap. When it settles, she grabs it away quickly and repeats the process. You crack up in a hysterical fit of giggles.

- Dad

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