Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 362 : Eichen Jr. Burger

Sades -

Mom went out to dinner with some work friends tonight, so you and I had another D3 (Daddy Daughter Date).

We went to Sonic and I ordered you your own jr. burger. You looked at it kind of funny at first, not sure of what to make of the fluffy bread smashed on top of meat with yellow sauce (mustard!), but a few delicate bites in and you were sold! You ate quote a lot of your sandwich (as usual!)

We ate at a park really close to our neighborhood that we had never been to before. It was really nice and well-landscaped. There were no swings your size, though, so we spent our after-dinner time walking the trail around the park. There were lots of folks exercising and many stopped to say "hi" to you, or at least grin while they passed.

Near the end of the trail I started running while pushing your stroller. You seemed to enjoy the high speed chase!

- Dad

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