Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 130 : Milestones

Sades –

You’ll often hear about baby developmental “milestones” – the acquisition of skills and concepts that help a baby turn into a toddler, who turns into a child, etc. But today brought relationship “milestones” between you and I.

First, you pulled what I call “puppy dog eyes” on me for the first time. I sat you down after playing with you for awhile, and as I turned to walk away, you made the most heart-breaking facial expression – pouty lip and all – to let me know you thought I should spend some more time with you. This didn’t involve crying or tantrum. It was just a very sad look that made me immediately pick you back up and smother you with kisses.

Secondly, you threw up in my face. Every dad has a story like this. It is a badge all father’s wear. I was playing with you after dinner, swinging you around, pushing you up into the air on my feet, when, suddenly with zero warning, you dropped a warm pile of goo from your mouth and down all over my shirt and part of my face. Your mom wasn’t paying attention when it happened, but she looked up when she noticed you and I weren’t making noise anymore. You seemed to feel much better. I was covered in goo.

- Dad

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