Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 237 : Perspective

Sadie –

During dinner last night, your mom and I passed you some pieces of the pizza we were eating. We didn’t give you much – just pieces of the crust and a tiny sliver of pepperoni and olive – but I think you might have had some kind of reaction. You went to bed like normal, but right at midnight you woke up ready to start your day. It was weird – you’ve never really done anything like this before. You weren’t obstinate. You just wanted to cuddle and be awake.

I’ll admit it was a long night. But as I laid with you on the floor, wrapped in blankets on a makeshift sleeping mat big enough for the both of us, I couldn’t help but remembering your first two weeks of life and being so thankful that not only are you now a healthy (almost) 8-month-old, but that this is the first time you’ve ever kept me up for most of the night.

I am so lucky to have you!

- Dad

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