Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 226 : New Friends

Sadie -

Today after church we ate lunch with our friends the Kagy's. They have two little girls - Abigail, who is 2 and Joanna, who was just born in the last few months. Abigail really likes you and kept saying "Hi!" to you and trying to be your friend. You seemed receptive. I think you guys will get along as you get older.

Abigail was not your only new friend at lunch today, though. Our friend Brian Henderson was there, too. He is a bald and scary looking guy with a big beard, but you are not afraid of him at all. I handed you to him so I could finish eating and you instantly seemed to decide that he was your new buddy. Part of this new affection may be that he has a beard he lets you play with. Sadly, I will never be able to grow one of those it seems. But that is okay - Brian H. will let you examine his when you are curious!

- Dad

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