Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 250 : (Eichen)Burger in Paradise

Sadie -

You'll soon learn that my favorite food of all time is the (at least quasi-American creation of a) cheeseburger.

I'll look at a new restaurant menu for 15 minutes and still decide upon a cheeseburger when the waiter comes. I can't help it. I love juicy, messy cheeseburgers with mustard all over them - and that is why your mom made some tonight.

We cut a hamburger patty into tiny pieces and let you try some. You seemed to really like it, though the meat by itself was a little dry for you. Don't worry... It won't be long before you get to have a hamburger in full glory - with peppers and cheese and mustard and lettuce...

Trust me - you ain't tasted anything yet! But I am very glad you seem to initially like hamburgers. We'll have many together in the coming years. (Quite a few will likely be from this nasty but delicious restaurant your mom refuses to go to with us - It's called McDonalds. As if a cheeseburger wasn't enough, they'll give you a free toy with your sandwich!)

- Dad

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