Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 244 : Strange(r) But True

Sadie -

I still haven't tired of taking you out in public so people can tell me how beautiful you are. Tonight you, your mom and I went out to eat chicken at Buffalo Wild Wings (50-cent boneless night!!). Halfway through our meal, a few older grandma-types came into the restaurant and were seated at a table behind us. They tried talking to you but you stayed very stoic throughout. I told them that you usually take some time to "check out" the new people you come in contact with - and if they pass your "test," they may get a smile or giggle out of you. These ladies made a good point - once you get older, I'll be busy telling you not to talk to strangers! No wonder kids get confused! When you are little, we insist on you smiling and being friendly with people you don't know and as you get older we insist you keep to yourself.

There will be time for actual stranger safety lessons in the future, but for now know that being polite is always okay!

- Dad

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