Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 249 : Movin' On Up

Sadie -

Your mom got a letter from your pre-school today that announced you will soon be making a change. You have been cleared to be promoted on to the next "grade" or room at the pre-school. It is not a far jump. You will still be next door to Miss Melissa and the other friends you've made from your first room, but because you are getting so big, it is time for you to move on to this next step. To get you ready, the school let you visit your new room today, and you must feel comfortable already - you took two long naps! (You rarely do this at all any more.)

Mom said she got choked up talking to your Aunt Amy about your promotion today. I have to agree with her assessment: it sure does seem like you are growing up a little TOO fast!

- Dad

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