Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 248 : Hand Over Fist

Sadie -

Again, let me point out that you are quite the study-er.

When you see new people or enter new situations, you are all eyes and ears, doing your best to decipher the situation to your own understanding.

Because of this trait, like I've written before, you seem to suddenly acquire skills instead of gradually learning them.

Mom and I have been trying to teach you about feeding yourself for the last few weeks. We put finger foods on your dinner tray and help you put them in your mouth. You have been picking them up and occasionally getting them near your mouth, but tonight you looked like a pro.

As soon as I put a noodle down on your tray, you reached down, picked it up and put it in your mouth with one smooth motion. It was like you'd been feeding yourself for years!

Mom and I looked at each other in shock!

Congrats! You've passed another milestone!

- Dad

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