Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 255 : The Monkey and the Vacuum Cleaner

Sadie -

I often refer to you as "monkey" due to the way you hang on me when I am holding you. But now I have a second reason to nickname you after the zoo animal: you really like fresh bananas!

I fed you your breakfast today, but you still seemed hungry. I cut up a few pieces of banana and you ate them with much enthusiasm. Tonight, after eating several different dishes for dinner, you again seemed unsatisfied. What calmed your craving? Fresh banana!

I can't say I dislike your newfound fruit affection - because I get to eat the remainder of the banana when you finish. And I really like bananas, too!

Something you don't like? - The vacuum cleaner! I pulled it out to clean the carpets after dinner tonight and, even when you were in a different part of the house, you had trouble playing or even smiling because of all the noise. I don't like to upset you, but the carpets have to be cleaned sometimes, and it is better to do it when you are awake then when you are asleep (Trust me!).

- Dad

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