Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 322 : Favorite Friends

Sadie -

You are usually reserved around people who aren't members of the family. You observe them and then, after what is usually quite some time, you might smile or wave. But rarely do you quickly get comfortable with "strangers."

There have been a few exceptions. There are a handful of people who you have always loved being around - your "favorite of our friends."

1. Brian H - Brian is a bald, square, scary-looking dude. He loves metal, shreds the guitar and has a goatee - and he is a giant teddy-bear when it comes to you. When we went to that pool party a few weeks ago, he was the only person besides me that you would tolerate. He lazed around the pool with you for quite sometime.

2. Al S - Al is not intimidating like Brian. But he does have a goatee... All he has to do is smile at you and you go into full on flirt mode!

3. Michael B - Michael has something in common with Brian, too. He is bald. We always joke that you like him because you have the same hair cut!

- Dad

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