Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 332 : Weathering the Weather

Sadie -

With no electricity in our house, it is REALLY quite at night. I think you find it a little disconcerting... You woke up in the middle of the night last night a little freaked out, so I pulled out the little sleeper couch (that we got from your "Cousin" Ivy's mom and dad) in your room and we cuddled up together.

You were a little restless, but seemed to sleep well as long as I was next to you.

I am glad I can be so comforting.

Since the power is out, your school isn't opened. I stayed home from work with you this morning and then your Grandpa came and got you and took you to his house this afternoon. He said you and he and Grandma had a good time together - and you ate a WHOLE banana for snack!

Mom and I came over to Grandma's house after work and we all ate together again! Grandma and Grandpa want us to help them eat all of their food so nothing goes to waste!

- Dad

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