Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 325 : Before You Walk...

Sadie -

Mom is on another business trip this week. It is just you and me for the next few days.

Before she left, she said she didn't want to go because she was sure you would start crawling while she was away. I told her she had nothing to worry about. She has some serious feminine intuition...

I came to pick you up from school today and noticed there was a comment written in big, magic marker letters on your daily report sheet. As I got closer I could read it: "I CRAWLED TODAY!"

Mom was so upset that she missed it. I promptly brought you home and we ate. It was almost time for bed, but I had to see for myself. I put your toys on one side of the living room and you on the other. You looked around and assessed the situation for a few moments. And then you did it. You crawled.

I grabbed the camera and took footage. Then I put you to bed and spent several hours trying to get the video of your movement to your mom, all the way in another state.

Congrats. You did it!

- Dad

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