Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 324 : What I Love About Sundays...

Sades -

On Sundays, you and I get up early. Mom stays in bed and so it is just us having Cheerios and bananas. Then we go into the living room and pull out your basket of toys. I flip on the TV and lean back on the couch. After you play for a few minutes, you look up at me and I grab you off the floor. Sometimes you sit on my lap, or next to me, or even across my chest. Sometimes we cuddle with a blanket. We watch cartoons or "SuperWHY" on PBS.

Then when you start to get sleepy, you take a nap in your crib and I sleep on the couch.
When we wake up, we go to church.

Ahh... A day of rest...

- Dad

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