Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 346 : Crash(ing out)

Sadie -

I got home this afternoon a little after you and your mom and found the front screen door propped open. I was confused.

"Why is the door propped open?" I asked your mom when I found the two of you in the living room. She explained that you fell asleep on the way home from school. She thought you would wake up when you guys got in the driveway at home, but you did not. She got out of the car, went and propped the door and came back to get you. You slept while she pulled you from the seat. You slept while she brought you into the house. You even slept while she sat down with you on the couch. She ended up just letting you snooze sprawled out across her lap.

You must have had a hard day!

- Dad

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