Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 339 : Attack of the Sades!

Sadie -

Now that you are mobile (aka crawling) you have become even more entertaining.

Tonight after dinner, your mom and I were lounging in the living room with you while you played with your toys. I sprawled out on the floor near you, laying on my side, and turned my attention towards the TV. I suddenly heard you giggling and moving. I turned my head and twisted my torso just in time to see you lunge at me.

It seems you've created a new game. If I am on the floor with you, I act like I am not paying attention. You then come crawling as quickly as you can, and throw your body at me. It is especially fun because you get really worked up with anticipation to the point that you are already laughing at yourself before you even get to me.

I like playing games with you!

- Dad

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