Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 153 : Tears in Traffic

Sadie –

You woke up in a great mood today and ate all of your breakfast!

Mom called me before 10 O’clock, sad about how much she already missed you. Your teacher at pre-school made an Easter egg craft with your picture in it for your mom and I, and when your mom opened the craft in the car after she dropped you off, she said she almost started crying.

You should know that she is having a really hard time not spending all of her days with you. When you are 15 and think your mom and I are irritating and embarrassing, try to envision a mental snapshot of your mom, dressed in her business clothes, driving in rush hour traffic, crying because she can’t hold you and keep you close, all day every day.

You’ll never understand how much we love you. Never.

- Dad

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