Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day 159 : Game (flip you) Over

Sadie –

Tonight after dinner we started goofing around. I propped you up with a pillow in front of you to let you practice the art of sitting on your own, and then I turned you on your belly so you could get a feel for crawling. As is typical these days (especially after a long, hard day at school), you usually don’t last long when left to linger on your stomach. You start kicking at first, but after a few seconds of not going anywhere, you usually surrender, drop your head to the pillow you’ve been placed on, and start chewing away!

Whenever this would happen this evening, I would promptly pick you up by the legs and flip you over onto the pillow on your back! This took you by total surprise the first time, but after given a minute to consider what had happened, your face broke out into a huge grin. I think this will be our new game for awhile!

It is so fun to watch you get so tickled that it seems your face can’t contain the full extent of your smile.

- Dad

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