Monday, March 24, 2008

Day 157 : Be My Baby

Sadie –

While we were playing together this evening, I sat you up on the floor and mom put a pillow in front of you and with this little bit of extra support, you were quite able to sit upright for a significant period of time without any help.

These advancements in your development are almost overwhelming! It still seems as though you should be a helpless infant to me – not a chubby 5-month-old who is learning to sit, laugh, and babble.

We were getting home a few days ago and I was walking into the house with you in my arms. I turned to your mom and confessed that I selfishly wished you would stay small enough for me to carry close forever.

She assured me you’d be small enough to carry for quite sometime still – and I know I don’t actually want you to stay this size forever. I do love every moment of you as a cuddly baby – but I know I will love you just as much as an adventurous toddler, an elementary school student, and even (gasp) a teenager!

I am so glad you are my daughter!

- Dad

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