Monday, December 24, 2007

Day 64 : Stocking Stuffer

Sadie -

Today is not only Christmas Eve, it is also your Uncle Joel's birthday. When he was born nineteen years ago, the nurses at the hospital put him in a blanket that looked like a big stocking to celebrate Christmas. Today, your mom and I attempted to celebrate both his birthday and Christmas by putting you in an over sized stocking! The stocking was SO big, though, that we didn't leave you in it for long!

Tonight we also celebrated Christmas Eve by going to a special church service at the church where your Grandpa works. Before and after the service you met many new people who had never seen you before, but have been thinking about you and praying for you ever since you were born. They all thought you were beautiful and many of them thought you looked like me! Those are some contradictions, huh?!?

Tomorrow is Christmas!! YEAH!!

- Dad

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