Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 20 : Chin Up

Sadie -

You got to meet your Great Grandma Gee tonight. She was at the hospital briefly on the day you were born, but since then, she hasn't gotten a chance to truly see you. So this afternoon. your mom and I took you over to her house for awhile.

Your Great Grandma was quick to say that you look like me - and she had evidence to back it up. In the middle of our visit, she left the room for a moment, only to return clutching an old photograph. She handed it to me and asked me to look it over.

I glanced at a picture of a chubby-cheeked baby who had an unmistakable resemblance to you (especially in the cheeks and chin). I studied the picture for a moment and realized that the lady holding the chubby-cheeked baby in the photo was a much younger version of your Great Grandma. That chubby-cheeked baby was ME!

"Now do you see why I say she looks like you?" your Great Grandma asked.

Yes, now I do.

- Dad

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