Friday, November 16, 2007

Day 26 : Shopping

Sadie -

You went on your first shopping adventure today, albeit brief. You, your mom and I ran into Target to grab some more sleep ware for you. You snoozed through most of it, as your carrier rocked to the rhythm of the cart, but it was so fun to have you out of the house for a few minutes.

We also celebrated your Grandpa E.'s birthday this evening with a big family dinner at his house. Everyone thought you looked especially adorable in your special hat and skirt outfit you got from your Great Aunt Janie. When it came time for Gramps to open presents, I held you up and said that you were his present from us and that the Dylan CD we gave him was from you. I am sure he was impressed by your musical tastes.

Tomorrow you get to meet more of your relatives and maybe even your cool "Uncle" Jeff!
It will be fun!

- Dad

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